Hamilton and Middletown have always been 2 sides of the same coin. However, despite our similarities, our differences seem to be dividing further & further apart.
What differences you may ask?... honestly, we don’t know. No one does.
However, Middletown seems to see differences, as they decided they wanted to attempt to make Hamilton as crappy as Middletown.
The Middletown city board released a statement yesterday saying:
“The “Accidental” release of sewage... that wasn’t an accident. We know Hamilton is a slightly better looking city, and we can’t let that happen. Hamilton has to be at least as crappy as Middletown. Otherwise, we’d have to improve...”
Our journalist struggled to interview people, asking what differences they saw between Hamilton and Middletown, but no really knew for sure.
One man said:
“Like... I guess Hamilton is slightly better, but not by a lot... I guess there is size?”
The Hamilton City board has yet to retaliate to this attack... but it’s suspected that spooky nook might be involved... because you know.... everything’s connected to spooky nook...