Today, the Chinese government released some very startling information about the Corona Virus. It doesn’t exist!
That’s right, China made up the whole disease just to fool the entire planet. Even their own citizens fell for it!
You, the reader may say: “Sure... real funny, but if this is such an elaborate scheme, then why are so many people sick?!)
The answer: No one is! It’s a lie!

Think about it... do you know anyone (besides Tom Hanks) that actually has the virus? Of course not! It doesn’t really exist. It’s so obviously fake too. I don’t have to give you facts, just take my word for it.
What’s crazy, is that this was such an elaborate prank, that even the stock market crashed. People lost their jobs!
Haha very funny, you got us there Rona!
Don’t worry, when you wake back up, you’ll find yourself safely in 2019, when at least we had toilet paper.
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