Local residents have had numerous problems with their internet in the past several years. Many complain about the low speeds, the ever rising costs, and the terrible customer service.
One man, however, decided to look at the Official Map of Internet Service (OMIS for short) to see if there were any issues. Sure enough there was. It seems that Hamilton isn’t even on the official map of service... In fact, when we interviewed a regional official from a local internet provider, he claimed he never even knew Hamilton existed.

Here’s his statement: “We kept getting hate mail from these people in Hamilton, Ohio. We thought they were just very persistent scammers so we ignored them. Sure we’d answer their calls sometimes... but we’d always keep them on the line for a very long before hanging up. We’d purposely make things difficult and confusing for them. Sometimes we’d put them on hold for a while and go on lunch break. We were surprised when we’d actually convince these people to give us their money! Honestly this whole thing is very annoying... now we actually have to listen to these people.”
We asked him how Hamilton was getting service if it wasn’t on the list, his response: “I think we‘ve had them tied in with Cincinnati’s maintenance system. Honestly I’m not sure.“ We asked: “Isn’t it your job to know? What about Fairfield, are they connected to Cincinnati too?” He replied: “Oh crap! What‘s Fairfield?!” He then quickly open Google maps then left the room.
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