Passover is coming up. However, jewish families have been urged by their Rabbi’s not to open the door to Elijah this Passover. Many jewish leaders cited their concern over Elijah having been out of the country, within the past 30 days.

Our freelance journalist, and Director of Linguistics, Dr. Recon, decided to interview a local Rabbi in our area. We asked Rabbi Zachariah what his thoughts were.
Rabbi Zachariah: “Well I was debating with my fellow Rabbi’s whether or not we should let Elijah in on this Shabbat dinner.
That would of course seem to be an obvious yes, but it might not be that simple. Due to this new virus, we now have a bit of a conundrum. Elijah has been outside the country within the past 30 days, and he goes to every house. One has to wonder, could he potentially harbor the disease?! If yes, which I believe is the case, then I would of course be against his visits.
Dr. Recon: “Thank you very much Rabbi. Though I am still left wondering... Has anyone asked how Elijah feels about this?”
Rabbi Zachariah: Excellent question. You see, we concluded that it would be better for us to be safe than sorry. So instead of canceling the Shabbat Dinner, we decided it would be best to simply not open the door for him. Now I’m sure he won’t like this. It’s the one day a year he actually gets to eat something other than heavenly manna. However we are recommending that those who have an extra table, do put it outside the door for him.”
“Just for heavens sakes, keep at least 6 feet away from him!”
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