The economy took a huge hit this May. Stocks dropped near 50%, and many people lost their jobs. However, now that the May craziness has past, many people want to get back to work! Though, not all businesses have reopened, and many are too afraid to go out shopping still.

If this were to continue, Hamilton would be looking at many more job losses, and businesses filing for bankruptcy. Thankfully though, the sale of masks has never been bigger!
Except in the time of Al Capone, masks sales have been the highest they’ve ever been. Many small businesses have taken to selling simple cloth masks, masks with cool designs, and even custom made masks. Heck, one could even make a buy a mask that says, “The Hamilton Diary” on it. Though, I don’t think anyone sells those yet.
The point is, the mask business is doing great. So great in fact, we probably won’t need to fully reopen, ever. We have bars open till 10, NOT 10:01!!!!! But that’s ok, cause the virus will get you at 10:01.
I’m sure if we keep this all up, small businesses will not decay. I’m sure those with health conditions, (who cannot wear masks without hurting themselves) will be fine. Let’s just keep buying masks 👍