2020 will be the start of many new policies for local schools. Many being about security, but there’s one policy many parents seem to love & hate. The Clean Room policy.

The policy is mandatory, and students will be selected at random for their room to be inspected by the school board.
Some parents voiced their concern, one parent said: “It’s between my son and I to make sure his room is clean. I don’t want the whole board coming in and messing that up!”
Others seemed to not care much. One parent said: “Ehh, what can they really do if my kids don’t clean their room? Seems like a waist of time to me.”
Still others praised the new policy, saying: “Awesome, the school will do my job for me!”
We asked school officials why they decided to start this new policy, their response, “Well we’ve wanted to do this for a while now. We want to ensure our students have a good homework environment. I don’t see how this could hurt. We just force you to let us walk into your house to look at your kids room, so that we can judge your parenting skills.”
It’s unclear what the school intends to do with the information they gain. Though while the issue is still unresolved among parents. What’s certain in that the school will enforce this policy regardless.
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