Yesterday we received an anonymous tip about the cause of the notorious “Boom” happening around Hamilton.
Many residents have speculated that this “Boom” is possibly a gun, spooky nook, or a sparkler bomb. Many have even gone to social media to report these incidents.
However, it seems that the “Boom” is not of man made origin at all. It’s not a gun, or Spooky Nook, or a sparkler bomb. It’s the ghost... of Alexander Hamilton!
That’s right! Alexander Hamilton has been appearing in the town famously named after himself!

What is he doing here though?! For that, one needs to go back in history... On July 11, 1804, Arron Burr and Alexander Hamilton decided to settle a bitter conflict. Hamilton had accused Burr of some very big words that we aren’t sure the meaning still exists to anymore. For example: “profligate”. What the heck does that mean?! Like really?!
Since these big words must have been very, very bad... they decided to settle it with a duel! I imagine the Gun Smoke theme was playing in the background! Anyways, Burr shot Hamilton, while Hamilton’s shot hit a branch directly above Burrs head!
Now while this definitely an important event in History, what does this have to do with the big “Boom”?! Well it seems that the big “Boom” are actually the shots fired from the duel, in which the ghost of Hamilton is forever trapped reliving. In no particular order, in no particular place.... the ghost of Hamilton is haunting the city that bears his name!

Some say if you look hard enough at his statue in the early morning (The time of the duel), you can still see him raise his hand as if to shoot Arron Burr! But alas... forever missing.
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