In a shocking turn of events, Great Britain is seemingly winning the multi-century long war against The States. After it’s defeat in 1783, and it’s defeat in 1812, Britain has finally taken over an American state for good.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement:
“Well you know, uhh, we really wanted that universal healthcare, and those higher taxes. Running this state is not cheap. It’s almost like whenever we increase spending, we have less money to work with! Though I am, uh, very happy to say that the British will gladly offer us their universal healthcare plan, in exchange for our rights and allegiance. Uh, to be honest, I thought it would cost more... So, uh, I think we got a very good deal.”
You may be wondering how New York managed to do this. The simple answer, is no one cared. Most Americans didn’t care at all that it’s gone to the hands of the British.
One local man saying:
“Does it really matter? They obviously did not want the basic rights our country offers, why be concerned?”
California, however, is very mad at New York, as it wanted to leave the Union first. It says it no longer will however, no matter how much money Texas tries to bribe them with... unless they can be annexed by China....
What do the British have to say about all of this?
The British: “Well it’s been a tough 300 years, but you just gotta keep trying! Eventually someone’s going take their freedoms from granted!”