It was January 1’st, 2020. The whole world was excited to watch the new roaring 20’s part 2! However, not more than 3 months into its promotion, the movie was scrapped.
Plot problems like COVID 19, and unlawful murder really screwed up the movie to be. Though studio directors seem to be blaming Trump through all this, saying budget cuts are to blame.
Studio Directors:
“I don’t care what it is... it’s always Trumps fault! How could it be anything else? Trump made some very large cuts to our funding, so now we couldn’t afford the new movie.”
“Wouldn’t you say the crazy plot, and endless horror on the news is likely what got the show was canceled?”
Studio Directors:
“Of course not! Who doesn’t love action, excitement, pandemics, and the end of the world?!”
“Pretty much anyone who planned on going to the beach this year...”
Studio Directors:
“Ok fine... but your missing out on some crazy plot twists! *Sigh* We agree to take out the whole COVID thing, but we’re keeping the RIOTS!”
“That’s not really any good either... How about... The economy’s doing great, so good in fact, that everyone gets paid vacation to the beach to relax. There’s no COVID, no murders, and the world goes back to how it was. What do you think?!”
Studio Directors:
“Nahh..... I like my idea better. Your’s has no action, no plot twists, no murder hornets...
“That’s the point.”
Studio Directors:
“Don’t worry, if it’s more money from work that you want, I can throw in a few stimulus checks. Maybe Amazon will increase their wages by 3 bucks too.”
“Yeah, but wouldn’t that deflate the value of the dollar?”
Studio Directors:
“Nah it won’t change anything... but if it does, just blame it on POTUS. I think that’s a solid plan, don’t you?”